How to Transform from a Boss to a Leader
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How to Transform from a Boss to a Leader

How to Transform from a Boss to a Leader

Are you more of a leader, or are you more of a boss?  Many people may think that the terms are interchangeable, but the meanings behind the terms are markedly different.  There are various differences in the characteristics and management styles of bosses vs leaders which impact the entire company and staff.

Bosses tend to be all about getting the job done without much focus on their employees’ needs or concerns.  They are always in the spotlight and have little concern with sharing credit with their team.  They tend to have a “hands off” approach and manage the company from behind the scenes.

Leaders are more people oriented and don’t mind getting their hands dirty with their team. They share credit and also take their share of the blame.  They think of themselves as a colleague and inspire and motivate their team to be their best while still getting the job done.

Most boss-type managers do not set out to become that way.  It is a long, hard journey to earn a leadership position and some people do not realize that they are leading from a “boss” perspective once they get there. Boss-type managers do tend to have their employees’ respect, but it is not the most effective leadership style.

It is never too late to adapt and grow as a leader. If you find that you may have some boss-type characteristics, you can always transition into a leader in order to better your relationship with your team and build a healthier, happier atmosphere at your company!

  1. Get to know your team.  This is THE most important aspect of being a good leader.  You’ve got to know the individuals who you’re supposed to be leading, motivating and inspiring everyday.
  1. Learn to share the credit AND the blame. You’re going to have to share the spotlight with your team even when you’re the one who did all of the work. In addition, you’re going to have to take the fall when someone else screws up. You’re in charge, so everyone in your company is your responsibility.
  1. Inspire.  Bosses motivate their employees through fear of what will happen if they don’t do something.  Leaders motivate their team by inspiring them.  Find out what motivates each of your team members-it is much more effective than fear-based motivation!
  1. Expect great things.  Great leaders have faith in their team and place high expectations on them. When your team knows that you have faith in them, chances are they will meet or exceed your expectations every time!
  1. Guide your team.  Bosses try to control and micromanage every aspect of everything their team does.  Leaders gently guide and support their team and then give them room to practice their autonomy and prove what they’re capable of.
  1. Coach.  Great leaders want their team to reach their own potential.  As a leader, you should make time for your employees and make sure they are in line with their career goals.
  2. Be approachable.  Bosses tend to come off as unapproachable. As a leader, you want your team to feel comfortable coming to you with their questions or concerns.

Whether you are in pursuit of a leadership position, or you are in a management position and may have picked up a few bad habits, it’s always a good idea to take a step back and think about the type of leader you want to be.

To learn more about the leaders at Evantage, Inc, check out our team page.  

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